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Chest Seal

A chest seal is a medical device used to cover penetrating chest wounds to prevent air from entering the chest cavity. It is typically made of a transparent, adhesive material. Chest seals can generally be divided into three types, one without ventilation valves, one with three one-way ventilation valves, and one with four one-way ventilation valves, which allow air to escape from the chest cavity while preventing air from entering.

Chest seals are classified as emergency medical equipment and are commonly used in pre-hospital settings, and are also used by military personnel in combat situations.

The use of chest seals is critical in preventing tension pneumothorax, a life-threatening condition where air accumulates in the chest cavity and compresses the lungs and heart. Without proper treatment, tension pneumothorax can quickly become fatal.

It is important to note that chest seals should only be applied by trained medical professionals or individuals with proper medical training. Inappropriate application may lead to dangerous complications. If you suspect a chest injury, seek immediate medical attention.

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